GIA’s Visual Arts program inspires creativity and critical thinking, offering students a range of techniques and mediums to explore. Through hands-on projects, they develop artistic skills and gain confidence.
The Upper School Visual Art Program at GIA holds our students to the highest standards. We provide a creative and safe environment where young artists are encouraged to take risks, try new things, learn from mistakes, and put forth their very best effort to accomplish their artistic goals. Students explore a wide variety of materials and techniques, and learn to envision their work prior to creation, show growth mindset while applying techniques, and refine their work through critiques with peers and adults.
The Visual Art students can choose from the following classes within the program:
The arts provide students endless opportunities to develop important life skills such as creative & critical thinking, problem solving, and growth mindset. Artists develop confidence through art exploration, and learn to communicate visually through their ideas while observing the world through a thoughtful and critical lens.
Student work is displayed in bi-annual art shows throughout the year, as well as in rotating displays throughout the school. In addition, AP Art & Design students curate their own art show and earn college credit upon successful completion of the course and acceptance of their comprehensive portfolio.
Additional creative opportunities are available through After-School Activities, such as painting, drawing, sewing, & fiber arts.
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