

At GIA, we promote technology by integrating innovative tools and resources into our classrooms, fostering digital literacy, creativity, and critical thinking across all grade levels.


At Georgetown International Academy, we are committed to providing our students with the best technology to enhance their educational experience:

Kindergarten to Grade 5

Each student is provided with a Chromebook, a versatile and secure device designed to support digital literacy, collaboration, and access to a wide range of learning resources. This ensures students can engage with interactive content and participate fully in their educational journey, both in and out of the classroom.

By integrating technology into education, we create a vibrant and dynamic learning environment, preparing our students to succeed in an ever-changing world

BYOD Program for Grades 6-12

To enhance digital learning and ensure seamless access to online resources, all students in Grades 6 through 12 are required to participate in our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program. Each student must bring a personal device that is equipped with wireless internet connectivity, enabling them to engage fully with digital content, collaborate on projects, and access a wide range of educational tools and platforms throughout the school day.

This program empowers students to take ownership of their learning while developing essential digital skills that are critical for success in an increasingly connected world.

Device requirements:

Item Requirement
Machine Type
Laptop or Tablet
PC, Mac, or iPad
PC: Any modern processor (Intel i5 or AMD Ryzen 5 or higher recommended for optimal performance)
Mac: Intel Core i5 or better
iPad: Modern A-series or M-series processor
4 GB or higher (8 GB recommended for better performance)
Hard Drive
250 GB or Higher
Operating System
PC: Windows 10 or higher
Mac: MacOS 12 or higher
iPad: iPadOS 16 or higher

Note: The OS must be in English and have document-creating capabilities (e.g., Microsoft Word)
Devices should support 802.11b/g/n (2.4 GHz) and 802.11ac (5 GHz).
2 or more USB ports (preferred)
Audio in/out
Built-in microphone
Battery Life
At least 4+ hours (4+ cell or higher)

Device Expectations

 In situations where test security is less concerning, students could use a standard browser, following these requirements:

Device Operating System Google Chrome Safari Mozilla Firefox Microsoft Edge
Windows 10
Version 120 minimum
Not supported
Version 121 minimum
Version 120 minimum
macOS 12 minimum
Version 120 minimum
Version 17 minimum
Version 121 minimum
Not supported
Google Chrome OS 120 minimum
Version 120 minimum
Not supported
Not supported
Not supported
iPad (grade 2+ testing)
iPadOS 16 minimum
Not supported
Version 17 minimum
Not supported
Not supported

Device Expectations

  • Each student is required to sign an Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement.GIA Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement
  • Students may not use devices for personal reasons during class time. Students may use devices for personal reasons during designated times and in designated locations only.
  • Students may use devices during class time for educational purposes, with teacher’s permission. Teachers may confiscate devices if students do not adhere to this expectation.
  • During exams, each student must lodge all personal devices with the teacher at the beginning of class. Failure to do so may result in a grade of zero on the exam.
  • School personnel are not responsible for searching for a student’s missing device. Students will not be excused from class to search for a misplaced device.

General school expectations for behavior and communications apply. Users are responsible for good behavior on school computer networks just as they are in a classroom or in any school facility, and should be polite and respectful. Communications on the network are often public in nature. Within reason, freedom of speech and access to information will be honored. Students are held responsible for seeking appropriate materials and avoiding other potentially offensive materials. The list below illustrates, but is not limited to, actions which are not permitted:

  • Displaying, saving or distributing offensive messages or pictures
  • Using obscene or vulgar language
  • Damaging or disrupting computers, computer systems or
  • computer networks
  • Harassing, insulting or attacking others
  • Revealing the personal address or the phone numbers of students
  • or colleagues
  • Violating copyright laws
  • Using another’s password or account without their permission
  • Trespassing in another’s folders or work
  • Intentionally wasting limited resources (i.e., bandwidth, file space
  • and printers)
  • Downloading software for non-instructional purposes, such as
  • music
  • Distributing any material in such a manner that might cause
  • congestion of the video and data network
  • Using chat programs without permission
  • Employing the network for commercial, political or profit-making
  • purposes
  • Accessing inappropriate sites


Violations may result in a loss of access as well as other disciplinary action deemed appropriate by the school administration.

Note: When not using their device, students may lodge their device in the office for safekeeping. GIA is not responsible for lost or stolen devices. We discourage students from leaving any electronic devices in their desks or lockers.

Each student will be required to sign an Acceptable Use of Technology agreement, one copy of which will remain in the student’s school file and one copy of which will be given to parents.