

GIA’s Band Program nurtures musical talent in grades 6-12, fostering creativity, teamwork, and leadership through performance and cultural exploration, while enriching students’ academic experience with valuable life skills.


At GIA, we believe that music education is an essential and irreplaceable part of every student’s education. The band program provides students in grades 6-12 with educational opportunities that are unique from any other subject, including exploring music as an important part of culture and heritage. To equip students with valuable musical skills, habits and knowledge, our curriculum focuses on: 

  • Music language and performance skills
  • Creative expression in music
  • Understanding music in context
  • Valuing musical experience

Students will also develop important life skills such as leadership, teamwork, effective communication, open mindedness, critical thinking, and creativity through their musical studies, enhancing other academic subjects. 

The band program offers opportunities for students to perform in a Jazz band, clinics and concerts throughout the school year, as well as on out-of-town trips.